Not being the best at writing about these things I will leave it to the experts like Mark Evanier who posted this brief but good obituary on Mr. Beals
Mr. Beals was famous for portraying young boys on the radio and in cartoon due to his youthful voice and never going through puberty. He and Walter Tetley were the most called upon voice actors when a young boy was needed but so was a professional actor with the perfect voice. Mr. Beals most famously portrayed Speedy the Alza Seltzer mascot in the 50s and 60s.
Thanks to my friend and OTR podcast master Buck Benny we have both Walter Tetley as Leroy and Dick Beals guesting as little Ronnie on the Great Gildersleeve radio show from September 23rd 1953.
Also, from Buck Benny's Podcast the first regularly schedule episode of Gunsmoke "Billy The Kid" which featured Dick Beals as a young William Bonny aka Billy the Kid,
Cartoon Brew highlights Mr. Beals work in cartoons and commercials in the 50s and 60s